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Attendee Registration



All US mail-in registrations must be postmarked by July 7th.

International mail-in registrations must be postmarked by July1st.

Mail-in registrations from US-based attendees must be postmarked by the above date.  We recommend that international attendees mail their registrations by the first week of July AT THE LATEST to make sure their forms arrive in time.


When registering, please make an additional donation so we can keep Tiny Paws Con alive!  Every penny donated helps improve your con, so please lend a paw, no matter how tiny.


If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact the Registration Director.





Pre-registration prices available online through July 15th at 11:59pm Pacific
























REGISTRATION HOURS (at the convention)












By attending Tiny Paws Con, you acknowledge you have read and agree to the following:

I understand that if I do not bring a VALID PHOTO ID to the convention, I will be denied admission, and that, per order of the law, only the following forms of ID are considered valid:

  • A current US- or Foreign-issued driver’s license

  • A current US State- or Foreign-issued non-driver’s ID card (an ID offered to those who do not have a driver’s license)

  • A current Government or Military photo ID

  • A current passport

I understand that student IDs, pay stubs, and notes from my mother are NOT accepted at this convention.  I understand if I try to register with an unacceptable ID, I will be denied admission.  I understand this policy is required by law and not subject to staff discretion.


If you have a question about your ID, please contact the Registration Director.  Do not leave your questions to chance and hope your ID is the correct one only to be turned away at the Registration desk.


Tiny Paws Con will not be allowing anyone without a valid ID as listed above to attend the convention.


Mail-in Registration

If you cannot register online, print out our mail-in registration form and mail it along with your payment to the address listed on the form.  Cut off the receipt on the bottom of the page to keep for your records.  This receipt is not proof of receipt of payment unless we have the corresponding top part of the form.  If you do not receive email confirmation of the receipt of your mail-in registration, please contact us immediately.



Full refunds (or credit for the next year’s convention) will be given if the request is received on or before July 15th.  Half refunds (or half credit) will be issued on requests received on or before July 21st.  No refunds or credits will be issued after July 21st.


Rules for Minors

If you are under the age of 18 as of the start of the convention, we require you bring a signed and notarized Parental Consent Form with you when you come to the Registration desk.  If you pre-register, you can mail this form in as long as you send it before the pre-registration deadline.  “Notarization” means the consent form has been signed in front of a Notary Public, who merely verifies the identity of the person signing the form (your parent or guardian).  (Note:  Often a town/city hall will offer free notarization for its citizens.)


Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian (who is registered for the convention) at all times.  All minors must present a signed and notarized copy of the Parental Consent Form at the Registration desk.  If the minor’s parent or legal guardian is physically present at the Registration desk while the minor is registering, a non-notarized copy of the Parental Consent Form may be used.  However, the parent or legal guardian must present a valid copy of their legal identification -- passport, driver’s license, US state- or foreign government-issued photo ID (official ID issued instead of a driver’s license), or military photo ID -- to the staff.  No exceptions will be made to this policy.


If you are turning 18 during the convention, you are still required to bring your notarized Parental Consent form.  However, on the morning of your birthdate, report to the Registration desk with your photo ID and receive a new label for your badge so you are no longer listed as a Minor.


Late Arrivals

If you know you will be arriving late and want to participate in any late-night convention activities (this particularly pertains to our Gaming events), please contact the Registration Director as soon as possible.  We cannot make any guarantees, but we will do our best to accommodate you.


Attendees MUST be pre-registered for the convention to have any hope of picking up their badge after Registration has closed.


If you do not know you are going to be late until the day of the convention, it is possible you will not be able to attend any late-night events since it may be impossible to contact Registration staff at that time.  We understand travel delays can happen unexpectedly, but please try to plan ahead as much as possible.  If you have a friend who is on-site earlier in the day, contact them and ask them to go to Registration to pass on your request (using your full legal name).  They will NOT be able to pick up your badge for you, bu the staff will be made aware of your request and the approximate time of your arrival.

Pre-registraton is closed for 2018!

All contents and images © 2017 - 2018 Tiny Paws Inc. and their original creators as submitted

Background photos by Mark Becwar.  Used with permission.

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