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Artwork and Written Submission Guidelines

Deadline:  June 1st




Any artwork or written work submitted to Tiny Paws Con is published to support and publicize the convention and the artist/writer, not for the financial benefit of any other individual (including the convention staff and directors) or any for-profit company.  Tiny Paws Con does not claim exclusive rights over the artwork/written work; the artist/writer may republish their work at any time.  Submitting artwork/written work is not a guarantee of publication.  We receive many submissions and just don’t have enough space to publish everything we receive.


The use of copyrighted characters (outside of the author’s own) or their likenesses is prohibited without the written consent of the original creator.  Without written permission, the artwork/written work will not be considered for publication.


If you have any questions, contact the ConChairs


Submit all files via email to the ConChairs.  Alternatively, you may type in all the information requested into the body of your email and send that with your attached file(s).



Artwork needs to be submitted by the original artist or their agent.  Please put your own copyright somewhere within the piece of artwork, close to one of the figures depicted. Copyrights along the edge of a piece of artwork may be cut off if we need to trim the edges.


Types of artwork needed:

  • Black and White - Black and White artwork will be used for t-shirts (single-color t-shirts with single-color silk screening) and the conbook.

  • Full Color - Full Color artwork will be used for badges, sponsorship prints, and conbooks. You may submit different versions of your artwork (i.e. a line art version and a full-color version) which will increase the chance of your artwork being used.


Format for all artwork

  1. 300 dpi or higher; high-quality TIFF or PSD format

  2. May not contain sexual situations, visible genitalia, or nipples.

  3. Summer camp theme is preferred but by no means required


Format for badge artwork:


Please also read "Subject matter" below to see which badges get a particular size of artwork.  The badge artwork needs to be scaled to 2"H x 4"W (400x800, 500x1000, 600x1200 pixels) in landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical) orientation, depending on which badge it is intended for.  If you do not incorporate the Tiny Paws Con text ("Tiny Paws Con <year>" or"Tiny Paws <year>") into your artwork, please leave a space in your composition for us to add it ourselves without having to cover anything essential in your submission.


Here are some examples of possible badge artwork layouts:

  • A figure which will be positioned to one side of the badge with no background (This is the ONLY badge artwork which does not need to be submitted in the 2" x 4" scale)

  • The same, but with a bit of background and a large open space for us to put the Tiny Paws Con logo

  • A full scene with a major character to one side so the background area can be overlaid with the Tiny Paws Con logo. Please limit the width of your major character so we have enough room to put in the logo.


Subject matter

We need several different badges each year, one for every registration level and type.  The badge artwork is meant to represent the various registration levels.  Along with the registration levels listed on our site, we also have a badge for minors (attendees between 13 and 17 years of age) and children (attendees 12 and under).



Format for all written work:

  1. RTF or DOC file submitted via email to the ConChairs

  2. 1000 words or less

  3. American or British English

  4. Single-spacing for lines/paragraphs

  5. No tabs at the start of paragraphs; tap Enter twice between paragraphs

  6. PG-13 rating; no graphic violence or sexual encounters/descriptions

  7. Include the following on your first page:

  8. Real name

  9. pseudonym or author name to be used in the conbook

  10. copyright info as you want it to read (i.e. (c) Pseudonym or real name 2017)

  11. email address

  12. title of work

  13. word count

All contents and images © 2017 - 2018 Tiny Paws Inc. and their original creators as submitted

Background photos by Mark Becwar.  Used with permission.

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